Hello I'm Karl Straub, and thanks for joining me for this guided tour of the breath. I'm delighted to introduce to you our special guests and guides, the masters of breath and song, our great cousins in the sea, the whales. Before we meet please sit up very straight, or lie down if you prefer, make your spine long and tall, neck in line with your spine, not tilted forward, back, or sideways. roll your shoulders toward the back and mover your shoulderblades toward each other, opening your chest. Breathe through your nose. First take a few expansive breaths to fill your lungs completely, and also expell all the air completely as you can comfortably. Nice big and full inhale, and complete exhale...get out all the old air... even the air that has been in there for a while. Refresh your entire lung capacity down to every last bronchiole. Breathe through your nose. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exahale. Continue to breathe at your own pace. Feel the air as it moves across the skin of your nostrils, like wind blowing past the opening of a cave. Inhale: The wind is cooler as in enters your nostils, Exhale: the wind is warmer, wetter as it leaves. (pause, insert audio track of whale breaths). Take some cues from these masters of breath. travel like a whale: weightless, powerful, graceful, huge, unbounded, soaring in any direction you please. listen deeply. absorb their mastery of communication, their ability to reach out to others by simply vibrating the space around them with rich complex sounds. Listen, What are these great beings communicating to you now? dark eyes, a familiar connection, an intimate link. Their song still reaches us even between the sea and the air, between our bodies and the sky, between species and epochs, they say farewell, we are one family. As our friends dive deeper we rest in the beauty of our recollection of oneness.